
MAEd - Course Descriptions

EDUC 510 – Current Issues in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (3)
Course focuses on important Issues in designing, implementing, and managing school curricula. Candidates learn to collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders to design standards-based curricula reflecting best practices in culturally diverse and differentiated classrooms. Teaching/learning models that promote critical and creative thinking and metacognition are employed to help candidates become reflective practitioners.

EDUC 511 – Practicum in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (1)
A first field experience course to observe and interact in educational environments that complement the MAEd summer course sequence.

EDUC 520 – Foundations of the Teaching Profession (3)
Course invites candidates to explore the historical, philosophical, cultural, and educational and social context of schools in our diverse society, culminating in the development of a personal philosophy of education.  Candidates focus on interdisciplinary perspectives on educational and social issues to guide reflective, professional practice.

EDUC 530: Cognition and Child and Adolescent Development (3)
Course examines psychological theories and research findings dealing with child and adolescent development and learning.  Special emphasis is placed upon the ways in which theoretical and empirical findings in educational, developmental, and cognitive psychology contribute to enhancing teaching and learning.

EDUC 535 – Characteristics of & Adaptations for Exceptional Student Populations (3)
Addresses academic and social learning needs of exceptional student populations in secondary level classrooms and appropriate interventions to meet these needs.  This course prepares secondary education teachers to develop differentiated instruction for the individual learning needs of students in secondary and PreK-12 classrooms who have disabilities, who are at-risk for school failure, or who are gifted/talented learners, as well as students who are culturally and linguistically diverse.

EDUC 540 – Classroom and Behavior Management (3)
Provides behavior management content and skills that create positive classroom behavioral supports through strategies, effective teacher behaviors, and student assessments and interventions. Candidates develop an evidence-based, classroom management philosophy. Field experiences provide authentic classroom ontexts for candidates to reflect on implementation of evidence-based, practical management skills related to their philosophy.

EDUC 550 – Content Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum (3)
Candidates will engage in the study of processes related to reading and learning from content area texts and related media, and the instructional practices and tools which best enable content learners to become efficient, independent learners. Candidates will develop an understanding of the roles of reading, writing, speaking, and listening across content disciplines.  Reading assessment and instructional strategies for students who have reading difficulties, including dyslexia, will be explored.

EDUC 610 – Methods, Media, & Materials for Secondary Education (3)
An intensive classroom and field-based course designed to provide students with opportunities to develop and apply skills and knowledge about teaching and learning. Guided by University faculty and a public-school mentor, candidates learn appropriate methodologies for teaching diverse learners.  Following initial course meetings, candidates will be placed in appropriate sections of this course based on their content area.

EDUC 611 – Internship in Secondary Education (1)
Semester-long course designed to provide prospective secondary and PK-12 teachers with opportunities to experience and reflect on the practices of teaching their content area in school and community settings. [Fall semester; middle school placement 6-12, elementary for preK-12]

EDUC 620 – Research Methods in Education (3)
Candidates examine and learn the methods and techniques employed in education research. Emphasis is placed on understanding the research literature, which forms the basis of professional education. Course includes considerable study of qualitative methods, and emphasizes selected statistical methods used as tools in research, data analysis, and the field of educational tests and measurement.

EDUC 621 - Collaboration with Communities, Families, and School Personnel (2)
Course designed to develop specific professional skills to facilitate effective communication and collaboration with families, school personnel, and representatives of community agencies who are involved in the development, implementation, and monitoring of appropriate programs for school-age learners. Offered in January Term.

EDUC 625 – Creating a Culture of Evidence-based Learning (2)
Candidates will develop competence in constructing and employing valid and reliable assessments of student achievement at the classroom level; candidates will develop and implement an impact study during the supervised teaching semester that utilizes the strategies of action-based research.

EDUC 690 – Internship in Supervised Teaching (8)
A 10-12 week intensive, student teaching field experience in partner professional-development schools. Interns apply methods, strategies, and technological tools to engage culturally diverse students in a responsive and effective manner. Corequisite: EDUC 691– Internship Seminar.

EDUC 691 – Internship Seminar (2)
Course provides student teachers with opportunities to refine teaching and learning through analysis, reflection, and discussion of their own behavior as teachers and the behaviors of teachers, students, and other school personnel. Corequisite EDUC 690 –Internship in Supervised Teaching.