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VWU GOES REMOTE: Professor John Rudel

This series explores innovative ways faculty are adapting instruction for remote delivery

University News | April 15, 2020

The transition to remote instruction, prompted by the international COVID-19 pandemic, has members of the VWU faculty implementing innovative and creative methods of academic delivery. In this series, VWU will explore the unique ways faculty are engaging students and keeping learning alive.

 “The change to remote teaching has felt a bit like starting up my own multimedia broadcasting service,” said John Rudel, Professor of Art and Coordinator of Art Exhibitions at VWU. “Using video, and adapted visual aid presentations has become extremely necessary.”

Professor Rudel is teaching "Drawing 1," "Painting 1," "Painting 2," and Honors 270 - "The Artist and Society" this semester. He notes that Google Meet has made synchronous teaching fairly easy, but he says that much preparation has been required to illustrate particular concepts and reformulate projects that respond to the unusual circumstances of this pandemic.

“One of the interesting developments of the new mode of teaching has resulted from the students having to photograph their work and submit it digitally. By putting all work into the digital realm, I am now able to draw over top of their work and send it back to them with notations and corrections.”

He says that drawing over top of an actual student drawing is typically not acceptable, but drawing over a digital photo presents a great way to point out necessary changes.

“I had never thought of having students photograph their work to submit it digitally,” said Professor Rudel, “but the current situation made it necessary - and now I imagine I might do this all the time, with face-to-face and remote classes. It's a great tool that revealed itself because of the challenge of having to adapt quickly!”

Read More in the Series:

VWU GOES REMOTE: Professor Paul Ewell

VWU GOES REMOTE: Professor Katrina Henry

VWU GOES REMOTE; Professor Maury Howard