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To the Class of 2020

Friends of VWU share messages of encouragement for graduating seniors

University News | Spring 2020

Commencement is a time to celebrate our seniors and honor the time, energy and effort they’ve committed to earning their 菠萝大人版约炮 degree. Since we aren't able to do that in person this spring due to COVID-19, we've asked alumni, faculty, staff, fellow students, family members, community leaders, corporate partners and friends of this year’s graduates to share written messages of encouragement. Below are the notes we've received—if you would like to include a message, please . 

To the Class of 2020

"Hang in there, you've got this!!! You're not alone." Karen Fuselier, Parent

"To the Alpha Sigma Alpha senior Class of 2020: the ending to your undergraduate journey may have been abruptly taken from you, but I hope this experience will create new strength within and among you! As for the following months, the best is yet to come. Enjoy your next journey and remember that our sisterhood is meant to last far beyond four years at Virginia Wesleyan. We’re here to support you now and always!" Brooke Totzeck, Class of 2016

"Congratulations! May you find your path to success and be a blessing to others!" Brenda Swoope, Class of 1986

"Every day is a great day to be a Marlin, as nothing and or no one is more resilient than a Marlin." Dominique Fowler, Class of 2012

"I can’t imagine what our current student body is going through during this time. Stay strong and safe. The Marlins will prevail." Corey Overstreet, Village Coordinator

"Keep our kind future balanced and inspiring!!" Cecilio Coleman, Class of 1995

"Please know that God will bring great things from your struggles!" Franchesica Middleton, Class of 2014

"I know that we will all get through this current crisis together and that VWU will stand by you in every way possible." Rita Frank, Psychology Professor 

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the seniors, senior student-athletes and the entire VWU community." Kathleen E Goldner, Parent

"These are very challenging times but you will get through it. Cherish those that love and care for you and keep fighting." —Travon Nimmo, Class of 2018

"I’m so proud of you! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. You’re going to experience so much. When you look back at this time, I hope you will remember it with a sense of conviction, to live a life of purpose and of service to others. Go Marlins!" Mary J., Class of 1987

"Keep y’all heads up! Y’all got this! Be Great on Purpose!" Jay, Current Student

"Congratulations! You have accomplished something incredible and you should be extremely proud. Although, your senior year ended differently than you anticipated your achievements will not be dulled by COVID-19, instead you will be the class that goes down in history books for it. Good luck in your future endeavors and keep your heads held high." Tiffany Baker, Class of 2016

"To Andreas Combos and all of the Class of 2020, what an amazing honor and accomplishment to earn your degree and graduate Class of 2020. Earning a degree does not come easy and takes a tremendous amount of motivation and perseverance. You are resilient. Take great pride in your achievements! This is not how you envisioned your journey to be, but it’s an incredible journey regardless! Much love, Aunt Fran" Fran Scheel, Friend of VWU

"Be proud of yourselves! Remember the important things in life ~ family & friends. Praying you will go far as you enter this new chapter in your lives. #onceamarlinalwaysamarlin" Anita Matson Monroe, Class of 1986

"Congratulations on all your accomplishments. I know your senior year didn't turn out as you planned or wanted it. I hope you treasure the memories you made at VWU. I know I did. I still keep up with faculty and friends. You have so many amazing things ahead of you. Be proud of all that you've done. Best wishes as you start your next adventure!" Heather Baker Weidner, Class of 1989 

"We are the proud grandparents of Jay Crusemire, senior Marlins baseball pitcher, Class of 2020. We are as saddened and disappointed that the Senior Class of 2020 was disrupted by the  coronavirus. They have worked so hard for 4 years to reach this point in their life. We have come to cheer them on all these years and to miss the final season is heart breaking. We know the guys will come through this with flying colors and approach the world with confidence in all they are about to do. We pray for them and wish them success, happiness, health. Good Luck 菠萝大人版约炮 Class of 2020!" Jack & Edith Burns, Parents

"Stay strong VWU Senior Class of 2020... The quarantine may have kept everyone from celebrating your college graduation, but stay true to yourself and conquer the world once your degree is signed, sealed and delivered!! Marlin Strong. Fear the Fish! Senior Strong Tyler Dalton." Rebecca Dalton, Parent

"You are living through history. Difficult times breed strong individuals. Look for the opportunities in these tough times to grow and support your fellow classmates." Joseph Thomas, VWU Board of Trustees Member

"We will get through this together." Steven Emmanuel, VWU Professor of Philosophy 

"GDTBAM" Brandon Elliott, Class of 2003 and VWU Head Softball Coach

"I am a proud graduate of the class of 1998 (and a future MBA graduate)! The four years I spent at Virginia Wesleyan College are something I still look back on fondly, and I can't imagine how hard and frustrating these past several months have been. First to have the internet go down (something that was still a novelty my first time there!) at final exam time, and now to have your last semester cut short! However, if I know anything about Marlins it's that they're an amazing group with the ability to rise to every challenge. This will be a story that you can share forever, about your resilience, your perseverance, and your strength. You're living through and experiencing history firsthand the likes of was only previously imagined in the worst post-apocalyptic fiction novels, and you're going to come through it like so many of the heros (and heroines) therein. I'm proud of you and glad to be a fellow alum (and remote classmate!)." Emily Ann Meyer, Class of 1998

"Your time at Virginia Wesleyan may have been cut short, but the friendships, experiences, and memories will last a lifetime!" Marie Herring, Class of 1994

"Congratulations!!! I am so proud of all of you!! I would like to share a saying that really touches me and hopefully will speak to you as well... 'Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.' (author unknown). Dream BIG and reach for the stars Class of 2020!!!" Michele Obenour, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Class of 1994

"Seniors, we are so proud of all you have accomplished. I know how difficult it is for all of you to miss out on the last half of the last semester of your senior year. I miss seeing your faces in class, and I will miss being able to take photos and give congratulatory hugs come May. However, you are still amazing and are showing your fortitude and grace with how wonderfully you are handling this global pandemic and how graciously you are protecting those at risk by sheltering in place. That makes me even more proud of you, and I can't wait to give you those hugs in December!" Taryn Myers, VWU Associate Professor of Psychology 

"I have been in educationas either a student or an instructorfor almost 60 years. Looking back, I can assure you that in the years to come you will not regret any sacrifices you are making now. It's a privilege to offer you any help I can." Richard Oberdorfer, Friend of VWU

"You are my inspiration!" Joyce Bernstein Howell, VWU Professor of Art History 

"I was a December grad in 1990, finishing early, but I did get to walk in the 1991 ceremony. All I can say is your education is a tool in your life's toolbox. Its only worth depends upon how you use it. You can let it sit in that toolbox for 20 years, or you can find a way to use it every day. Your choice. The more you use it, the more valuable it becomes. Don't let the disruption of your senior experience devalue your work and accomplishment. You have done well and earned an education. Use it to your fullest benefit every day, and honor yourself in that dedication, growth and success." —Brian Kirwin, Class of 1991

"It is always a great day to be a Marlin!" Sydney Covey, Class of 2015

"Congratulations to the Class of 2020! While the pandemic has influenced and transformed the world as we know it, these challenges will only make you stronger. Nothing can take away your hard work and dedication over the past four years! You did it! Celebrate this amazing achievement with your head held high. As you enter your post-college career, remember a few things: 1. YOU are ready for the next chapter in your journey. 2. YOU will change the world. And, 3. YOU are ready to make all of your dreams come true. Best of luck!" Brandi Calica, Class of 2014 (BA) and 2019 (MBA) and VWU Director of Corporate and Parent Relations

"You will emerge from this unprecedented time stronger than ever." Mavis McKenley, Class of 2011, VWU Board of Trustees Member

“Be courageous, be compassionate; let your spirit be contagious!” –Patricia Colhurst, Class of 1996

“Have fun but remember to stay focused. You determine your future. Go Marlins!” –Lori ’94 and Joe ‘94 Harris

“Think before you do. Zig when others Zag. Never give up.” –Scott Straub, Class of 1982

“Hold onto the memories you made at VWU that make you laugh and smile no matter what is going on in the world. Congratulations, you did it!!!” –Kamryn Clairmont, VWU Coordinator of Alumni Records and Events 

“I know your year was cut short, but have faith that life will be better! VWU Strong! ” –John Haynes Jr., Class of 1998

“Stay focused. Make a difference. ” –Edmond Stanton, Class of 2002

“Despite the challenges, you will look back on this period as one of great achievement. Well done, Class of '20! ” –David ORork, Class of 2018

“I know in this trying time, things seem out of the ordinary. We as fellow Marlins got you!” –Troy DeLawrence, Class of 1993

“As a true VWU Marlin, upon graduation go forth and do great things!” –Jonnie Carney, Class of 1998

“Be Proud to be a VWU Marlin!” –William Stephenson, Class of 1981

“Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on your hard work and perseverance!” –Greg ’97 & Shannon ’98 Freedland

“The Class of 2020 were freshmen when I started working at Virginia Wesleyan so you ALL have a special place in my heart. I am so incredibly proud of all that you have done during your years here. It was (and still is) an absolute pleasure to have been a witness to your growth and all that you contributed to the Marlin family. You're almost there! Enjoy every virtual moment. Congratulations, don't be a stranger and GDTBAM!” –Sarah Guzzo, Director of Student Activities 

“This too shall pass! VWU Strong! Stay strong, stay safe, stay connected with VWU!” –Robin Takacs, Director of Instructional Technology 

“You’ve got this! You’re a Marlin, the virus has nothing on you!” –Tim Bailey, Class of 1983, VWU Board of Trustees Member

“Stay the course it is worth the effort. God Bless you all.” –Karen Bitler, Class of 1980

“In memory of Nancy Kelly and the heart she always left on the court.” –Jasmine Rivera, Class of 2014

“VWC(U) was the potting soil for lifelong friendships, understanding stewardship, and the importance of community.” –Kerry Strnad, Class of 1995

“I am honored to be part of the VWU team! My education and experiences have helped shape me and help my in my career and business.” –Matthew Sherman, Class of 2009

“Enjoy your college years!” –Curtis Baker, Class of 1976

“Carpe Diem, Marlins! You can do anything you put your mind to!” –Carole Heller, Class of 1988

“The best is yet to come!! Good luck.” –Dawn Datcher, Class of 2003

“I absolutely believe after meeting many of the students at Wesleyan and schools where my grandchildren attend that your generation is bright and generous of spirit and thus we of the older generation are leaving the world in the best of hands and minds. –Patricia, Friend of VWU

“We are so looking forward to having you back on campus!” -Craig Wansink, Professor of Religious Studies 

“Life threw you a curve ball and this is not the senior year any of us had planned for you, our Senior Baseball Athlete (#37). Nonetheless, Jay, we are ‘in the stands’ cheering you on and wishing you continued success. You have the power to make the most of this unfortunate situation–make this your best ‘game’ ever! Congratulations! Love, Paul & Mom” –Paul & Kathy Goldner, Parents 

“Congratulations Class of 2020, from Hofheimer Library! You can do this and we are here to help!” –Sue Erickson, Director of Hofheimer Library

“Wishing the 2020 graduates peace and love.” –Kimberly Patrizi, Parent

“As the parent of a high school senior who will be attending VWU in the fall, we understand and are sympathetic to the Class of 2020. Please believe that things will get better!” –David Baines, Parent

“Carpe Diem!” –Victoria Schaller, Class of 1990

“Congratulations!” –Michael R Rawls, Class of 1991