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Supporters of VWU athletics share encouraging messages for Marlins

University News | January 2021

Thank you to our Marlin Athletic Fund donors for your generosity and support during this challenging time. Our  campaign raised over $50,000 in funds to purchase the needed COVID-19 rapid results testing supplies for VWU athletic teams. Not only did you surpass our fundraising goal, you gave our students hope as they enter an unprecedented spring season.

Below are the many messages of encouragement from generous donors:

@vwuwsoccer - Let's get you girls on the field!
Tracy Quigley, Parent

All the best! Go Marlins WBB!
Monique D Williams, Class of 2006

As a parent there is nothing better than seeing our student athlete on the mound. Looking forward to the safe return of all of the Marlin athletes to the field, courts, track, course, and pool! #Marlins
Kathleen Goldner, Parent

Be MARLIN Strong!!!
JP Stewart, Men's Lacrosse Coach

Be safe and play hard.
Robyn Backer, Class of 2009

Best of luck in the spring.
Phyllis Fedele, VWU Friend

Best of luck to all the Marlins during this trying time. You're making history!
Megan Bell-Hill, Class of 2014

Best of luck!
The Hoag Family
Richard Hoag, Parent

Best wishes for women's soccer this year!!
Joann Schoss, Parent

Best wishes this spring, Marlins! Stay safe! GO FISH! 
The Pilarski Family
Melinda Pilarski, Parent

Bless You All 2021!!!
Judithann M Fischer, Friend of VWU

Can't wait to see you all play again! We love the swim team.
Christi Ward, Parent

Coaches want to play too!!!
Jesse Weiner, Track and Field Coach

Colette, we are so proud of you!
Kara Rutter, VWU Friend

Division I volleyball is playing right now. The girls need to play.
Amy Sweers, Parent

Enjoy the season!
Jennifer Castengera, Parent

Enjoy your time at VWU! We know it's been a rough year!
Sherry Uribe, VWU Friend

Fear the fish. You got the fight in you.
Taylor Johnson, Class of 2012

For Marlins Lacrosse
Richard Welsh, Class of 2001

Game on! Best of luck on the upcoming season!
Dr. Aaron Hultgren, VWU Friend

Tami Powell, Parent

Ben Fletcher, Class of 2016

Go Celeste Rucker! We love you 
The Freemans (VA)
Karima Freeman, VWU Friend

Go fish!
Trevor Spiers, Class of 1999

Go Joanne and Marlin athletes!
Kimberley Hammer, Vice President for Advancement

Go Marlin soccer!
Mark Wilson, Parent

Go Marlins!
Katy Kerr, VWU Friend

Go Marlins!
Christopher Nee, Class of 1993

Go Marlins!
Kevin Sutherland, Parent

Go Marlins women's soccer!
Stacy Zeiler, Class of 2010

Go Marlins softball!!
Peter Anderson, Parent

Alexandra Wright Williams, Class of 2017

Go Marlins volleyball! Best of luck in 2021!
John Sutton, Parent

Go Marlins women's lax!!!!
Nicole, VWU Friend

Go Marlins women's soccer. Go Mary Alexis # 21. Win ODAC.
John Jackson, Parent

Go Marlins Women's Soccer!
Pat Milhous, Parent

Go Marlins!
Kathy Shepherd Stolley, Professor

Go Marlins!
Denise M. Christian, Parent

Go Marlins!
Ken Anders, Parent

Go Marlins!
Sharon Payne, Professor

Go Marlins! Go VWU! Go Sam!
Michelle Herrin, Parent

Go Marlins! Good luck to the volleyball team!
Anita Ludovici, Parent

Gordon Barnes, Friend

Go Marlins!!!
J. Scott Frampton, Parent

Go VW softball!!! #Outlove
Lauren Irvin, Class of 2019

Good luck student athletes! Stay safe so we can see you play! #GoMarlins
Almeta Radford, Parent

Good luck and go Marlins!
Maxwell Axelrod, Class of 2010

Good luck Celeste Rucker!!! Stay safe and have fun!!!
Kelly Budakian, VWU Friend

Good luck Marlins! Stay safe!
Colleen Merrill, Class of 2018

Good luck this season and stay safe.
Bouchra Rucker, Parent

Good luck this spring!
Matt Tonelson, VWU Friend

Good luck to all athletes!
Valerie Callahan, Parent

Good luck to all of the athletes! Hope to see you all back in action in 2021!
Amanda Archer, Class of 2018

Good luck to all the athletes in their upcoming spring seasons!
Nicole Taylor, VWU Friend

Good luck to all VWU athletes in 2021!
Dan Lockard, Parent

Good luck to you all! You deserve to play and we can't wait to watch you!!
John Martin, Class of 2005

Good luck women's soccer team!
The Alutto family
John Alutto, Class of 2007

Good luck VWU women's basketball!
Lindsay Hieronymus, VWU Friend

Good luck!
Jennifer Dargue, Parent

Good luck!!
T. Allen Dukes, Class of 1993

Anita Ludovici, Parent

Great Day to Be a Marlin Grandma!
Jacqueline Y. Hull, VWU Friend

Hang in there VWU athletes. You've got this. Stay safe!
Michelle Moniz, Parent

Happy Holidays!
Kristina Karagiorgis, Class of 2015

Have a great season, Rachel W.!!!
Diana Masters, Parent

Hope all athletes get to play!! Special shout out to Taylor Cunningham and the golf team!
Debra Dupuy, VWU Friend

Hope you have a great swim season!
Pamalyn Kearney, Parent

I want all of you to have the experience I got to have on the volleyball court. Praying for some big Ws this spring!
Kala Herman, Class of 2013

I was an average DIII tennis player on an average team. The 4 years playing tennis at VWC meant as much if not more to me than any class ever did (though I enjoyed them too.) Stay healthy and as always, go Marlins!
Jason Scalese, Class of 1997

I wish all of the athletes a safe, healthy season!
Theresa Singer, VWU Friend

Keep fighting. We are here for you!
Jacqueline Sergas, Parent

Keep healthy and play your hearts out!
Vanessa Lewis, VWU Friend

Keep moving forward!
Thomas Dozier, Parent

Keep the faith, Marlins!! (Mike Hawley father of Chris Hawley, Asst. Men's Lacrosse Coach)
Michael Hawley, VWU Friend

Keep working hard and stay positive. Better days are ahead of us all. Go Marlins!
Robert Ittner, Class of 2013

Keeping Celeste Rucker healthy this basketball season!
Marya White, VWU Friend

Let's go Marlins!! YNWA
Alicia Zamora, Class of 2020

Let's go Marlins!!!!
Lori Downum, Parent

Let's go men's lax! GDTBAM!
James Alvarez, Class of 2014

Let's see a repeat VWU volleyball!!!!
Kristina Scott, Class of 2019

Let's go! I wanna play! Jo Knows!!! #OUTLOVE
Brandon Elliott '03, Softball Coach

William H. Bobzin, Parent

Let's PLAY!!!!
Vicki Signorelli, Parent

Longest. Offseason. Ever. Be ready to go and enjoy every moment!
Tatiana Sheptock, Class of 1997

Looking forward to a spring filled with Marlin Baseball!
Charles Brooks Jr, Parent

Looking forward to getting back to normal and enjoying softball games.
Conrad Parker, VWU Friend

Looking forward to seeing my VWU baseball senior play this year!!!! Let's do the right thing and stop the spread!
Michelle Brooks, Parent

Looking forward to some Marlin lacrosse this spring!!!
Christopher Knight, Parent

Looking forward to the upcoming athletic season!
Michael Bibbo, Parent

Looking forward to watching VWU softball in the spring!!
Chris and Maria D'Arco, Parent

Love you Mikayla #19 WLAX - Play Hard, Work Hard!
Darlene L Szudera, Parent

Love your program and wish you the best!
Dana Gonzales and family

May this season be a memorable one!
Jennifer Gentry, Parent

Men's and Women's Golf
Dennis Nelson, Golf Coach

My wife and I, both being alumni and huge supporters of the athletic programs at Wesleyan during our time there, hope to provide some support for our current student athletes to continue pursuing and fulfilling their college dreams! #fearthefish #helpusplay
George and Elizabeth Rogers, Class of 2003

On Lake Taylor by the bay, seagulls soar and I can't wait to see the Marlins play! Good luck VWU student-athletes and coaches!
Wayne Pollock, Professor

Krista Laird, Parent

Play Fast!
Arthur Smith, Class of 2011

Play hard and be safe. Have a great 2021 baseball season!
Michael Goodrich, Parent

Play safely. Go Marlins.
Linda Ferguson, Professor

Good luck and stay safe!
Melissa Downs, Class of 2002

Pleased to help student athletes continue to provide a rich addition to university life. Go Marlins!
Bob Harrison, VWU Friend

Praying for a safe healthy and FUN season!!
Stephany Garvie, Parent

Praying they can play!!!!
Debbie Halloway, Parent

Protect Kyle Leeming at all costs.
Andrew Johnson, Parent

Stay encouraged! You've got this!
Megan Shearin, Class of 2006

Stay positive....test negative! Go Marlins Nation.
Sam Bryant, Parent

Stay safe and healthy.
Brandon Adair, Class of 2012

Stay safe and let's play!
Jaclyn Ruelle, Class of 2004

Stay strong and stay healthy Marlins!!
Chad Mock, Parent

Stay strong! Your journey has some bumps and curves but your endurance and strength is what defines you! We are so proud of you all!
Heather Goldberg, Parent

Such a great school with great athletic programs and coaches. It's always a GDTBAM!!!
Nicholas Pappas, Class of 2014

Support the Marlins baseball team.
Karen & Edmund Guest, Parent

Supporting our son Nick Price and the rest of the Marlin baseball team for a great spring 2021 season!
Eric J. Price, Parent

Thanks for the effort you are making to stay safe and play for those fans who love to watch! Go Marlins!
Julie Kissell, Class of 1982

The women's soccer team gave me some of the best and most supportive people in my life to this day. Your relationships will outlive your time on the soccer field together, but that's where it all starts. Happy to help support the team to keep playing and keep making life long memories/friendships.
Alexia Vassiliadis, Class of 2018

This gift is on behalf of Andrea Erbig. Stay safe.
Barbara Necaise, VWU Friend

This is for the fabulous, smart and talented Celeste Rucker! Have fun and stay healthy! We love you! Uncle Sam and Aunt Niss xoxo
Nisserine Whisman, VWU Friend

This is the most deserving group of student-athletes. Please help them. Thank you...
Chris Francis, Baseball Coach

This one is for Coach Hoover!
Amber Elaine Matalus, Class of 2020

To all my fellow Marlin athletes, the strengths it takes to be a student athlete are your stepping stones to your successful future.
Mikaela Whitaker, Class of 2014

To Marlin men's soccer and ALL the student athletes: Hang in there players - we are cheering for you to return to play.
Laurel Harrelson, Parent

We are all in this together.
Jonquil Prophet, Parent

We're all in this together. Stay safe. Play hard. Go Marlins.
David J. Wolfram, Class of 1973

Anastasios Skartsiaris, Class of 2008

Rory A. Finnegan, Class of 2015

Wishing VWU Athletes each a safe and victorious season!
Maria S. VonVille, Parent

Jessica, Class of 2013

Laura Yarrington, Class of 2008

You are enduring some of the most challenging times to be a student athlete. We are proud of your commitment and dedication to your sport. Looking forward to mens' soccer this spring! Stay Safe! Stay Strong! Go Marlins!
Carol Ann Burczyk, Parent

You are our future and I am confident that you will impact it in a huge positive way!!
Sixto Gonzalez, Parent