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'Good Trouble' Exhibit Explores Civil Rights Lessons

Illustrations by Christopher Noxon show how the past can inspire action and hope

University News | October 26, 2020

Overwhelmed by today’s political climate and accompanying pessimism, journalist and illustrator Christopher Noxon found encouragement on a visit to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. He left inspired and determined to learn the deeper lessons of the movement, resulting in his latest book, Good Trouble: Lessons from the Civil Rights Playbook.

Several of Noxon’s illustrations from the book are now on display for students, faculty and staff in the Neil Britton Art Gallery inside Hofheimer Library. The VWU campus is currently closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions, but outside guests are invited to view the gallery .

The exhibit, which continues through December 20, showcases pen and watercolor illustrations chosen from Good Trouble, as well as five original watercolors created to reflect Virginia’s history in the civil rights movement. Through his work, Noxon offers a fresh look at historic episodes and gleans wisdom and tactics that modern-day activists can embrace. He shows how the past can be the best road map in inspiring action and hope.

This experience was created for the campus community by the Robert Nusbaum Center and John Rudel, VWU Professor of Art and Curator of Exhibitions for the Neil Britton Art Gallery. The artwork is generously on loan from the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (UJFT) and the Leon Family Gallery at the Simon Family JCC. Noxon also visited campus last November to speak to VWU students, an event hosted by the Robert Nusbaum Center in collaboration with the UJFT’s Jewish Community Relations Council.

"The confluence of a global pandemic, racial unrest, and political divisiveness has left many people feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, and fearful for the future," says Craig Wansink, the Joan P. and Macon F. Brock, Jr. Director of the Robert Nusbaum Center. "The lessons outlined in Good Trouble might be just what we need to inspire and give us hope to move forward to create a better future."

The Good Trouble exhibit launches a year-long project by the Nusbaum Center to create an action guide that will complement Noxon’s book. Borrowing from the lessons of the civil rights movement, the guide will offer practical tools for activists in the 21st Century. Hofheimer Library is also currently displaying a selection of books, ebooks, and media that address civil rights issues and the effectiveness of grassroots movements.

View the and learn more about the Robert Nusbaum Center of VWU.