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Celebrating the Class of 2020

Approximately 350 graduates were recognized during a virtual Commencement Ceremony on December 4

University News | December 4, 2020

“Congratulations to each and every one of you,” William C. Baker, President of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, told the 菠萝大人版约炮 Class of 2020 on December 4. “You did it…and you did it in the Age of COVID.”

Baker served as keynote speaker for the University’s first-ever virtual Commencement Ceremony, which recognized approximately 350 graduates on Friday evening. The online event replaced the originally scheduled in-person ceremonies to comply with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s latest COVID-19 directive limiting gatherings to just 25 people.

Baker’s message to the Class of 2020 included three key points, starting with tips on landing a dream job.

“More often than not, landing a job, especially that first job, is as much about luck as anything else,” he said. “The luck of being at the right place at the right time.”

He told graduates they could improve their odds by saturating their desired market sector with their materials, and getting in front of employers.

“Use every possible connection you can to get yourself in the door. Employers hire people because they are wowed by how you come across. If you’re shy but articulate, fine—be who you are. If you are demonstrative, but not so smooth talking, like me, that’s fine too. Be yourself, because you want to be hired for who you are, not who you pretend to be.”

Baker turned next to a cause dear to his heart.

“There’s simply nothing like the Chesapeake Bay anywhere in the world,” he said. “Of all the striped bass caught from Maine to North Carolina, nine out of 10 are born in the Chesapeake. On a good year, 100 million pounds of blue crabs come out of the Bay. And oysters? In its hay day, 25 million bushels were harvested annually.”

Baker noted that 19 million people live in the Bay’s six-state, 6,4000-square-mile watershed. He encouraged graduates to “come and work for us,” or at least to volunteer with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. He attributed much of the organization’s success to the number of volunteers who advocate for pollution reduction, habitat protection, land conservation, science-based fisheries management, and more.

His third point was in regard to climate change.

“If 99 doctors told you to have an operation or you’ll die, and one doctor said, ‘Just relax… that tumor will magically go away.’ Who would you listen to? The analogy is sound. Science overwhelmingly recognizes that human-induced climate change will be devastating if left unchecked.”

He noted that the solutions are clear cut, boiling down to simply reducing air pollution; employing solutions that “stimulate the economy and in classic American fashion combine practicality with high-tech innovation.”

Following his keynote address, Baker was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (honoris causa). The University also awarded a Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) to Rev. Dr. James Noseworthy, who delivered the ceremony’s invocation, and a Doctor of Humane Letters (honoris causa) to G. Robert Aston, Executive Chairman of the Board of TowneBank.

菠萝大人版约炮 President Scott D. Miller and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Maynard Schaus then conferred degrees for each of the members of the Class of 2020. Graduates earned the degrees of Master of Arts in Education, Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Social Work. The University also graduated its first four Batten Honors College students.

Four Virginia Wesleyan professors were recognized with the University's annual faculty awards. The recipient of the 2020 Samuel Nelson Gray Distinguished Teaching Award was Dr. Susan Larkin, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of English. The Frank and Jane P. Batten Distinguished Scholar Award was presented to Dr. Maury Howard, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Professor of History Dr. Sara Sewell received the Service and Community Engagement Award. And, the United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education and Ministry 2020 Exemplary Teacher Award was presented to Dr. Wayne Pollock, Associate Professor of Sport and Recreation Professions.

The ceremony concluded with Virginia Wesleyan Vox Vera’s singing of the Alma Mater, led by Associate Professor of Music Dr. Bryson Mortensen. Dr. Craig Wansink delivered the benediction, and President Miller gave closing remarks.

“I offer my sincerest congratulations, once again, to these very special graduates and the family, friends, and faculty and staff members who helped them along the way,” Dr. Miller said. "We will always remember the Class of 2020 for their resilience and adaptability. These qualities, along with their world-class liberal arts education from VWU, will help them achieve their personal and professional goals.” 

The Class of 2020 had the opportunity to return to VWU to celebrate their accomplishments during Graduate Recognition Hours on December 5. Graduates were invited to schedule a time to visit the Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center to pick up their diploma, pose for socially-distanced graduation photos, and receive a special gift from the Office of Alumni Relations (view the ).

Commencement 2020 was webcast on Friday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. on the VWU Digital Broadcasting Network. View the and the photo gallery for .